Quercia Grossa - Faluschino
Fiche Technique
IGT White Tuscan
G R A P E V A R I E T I E S60% vermentino 30% tuscan trebbiano 10% tuscan malvasia
H A R V E S T grapes are hand-picked in the first half of September and put into small 18 kg crates; after harvesting they are taken immediately to the winery for processing
V I T I C U L T U R A L P R A C T I C E S cordon-trained/spur-pruned, organic-mineral fertilisers. Copper and sulphur spraying, manual and mechanical weeding.
V I N I F I C A T I O N The grapes after harvesting are passed in the destemmer and left to maceretion in small cement tanks with ambient temperature. At the start of fermentation using indigenous yeasts,Faluschino is left to macerate for 10/14 days after racking with a vertical press and the Faluschino is transferred to the 500lt second/third-use barrels (tonneaux) where it remains for 8 months in contact with the fine lees. It should be stressed that throughout the entire vinification process constant attention is paid to maintaining low levels of sulphites and that the natural properties of the grapes are fully respected both in the winery and the vineyard. A G E I N G 8 months in 500lt. French oak barrels (tonneaux), then 4 months in the bottle
S E N S O R Y P R O F I L E Attractive pale straw-coloured wine with elegant golden highlights. Notes of dried apricots on the nose and undertones of yellow peach on the palate. Good acidity and personalità .Decisive structure
A L C O H O L C O N T E N T 14 %
T Y P E O F B O T T L E classic Bordeaux bottle
F O O D P A I R I N G S anchovies, baccalà (dried salted cod) or smoked salmon. Vegetable pies, white meat and tasty fresh cheese. Serving temperature 11/12 c°